Installing Composer Globally on CentOS 7

# Installing Composer Globally on CentOS 7 First you need to make sure your system is up-do-date, for that you need to run yum -y update Download and install Composer by executing the following command: curl -sS | php Once the process completes, you can make the ‘composer.phar’ file executable by running the …

Block IP Manually from Fail2Ban Plesk server

While using Fail2Ban under a Plesk handled server, you have a GUI to view the current Banned IP’s, and also “whitelist” IP’s (move to trusted IP’s), But you don’t have the option to manually add an IP to the Blacklist, and permanently block a specific IP. To do so, SSH to your terminal as …

Setting Git on a Production Server

To set your git repo on your production server. go tho the root directory of the server (i.e. public_html or httpdocs etc.) then run: git init run (to connect your server with the cloud repo) git remote add origin https://PATH_TO_YOUR_REPO Then if you want your production server to always pull from the remote origin …